It is He who I find in the divine mirror.   He is a reflection of omnipotent Spirit I have searched  for a lifetime.   The spirit that manifests miracles. My mirror was ladened with the dust of agonies for until I cleansed it with the water of my endless tears,  I could not see Him or hear Him.  I now see He is spirit ever so beautiful & what I have seeked.  The Spirit of Love. Love is All. The lesson be it crystal clear & knowing to be negate all that does not follow the flow ofvigilant to cleansing forgiveness & growth  from adversity. The pain is but the fire burning furiously so never to return to
the sorrows and confusion again. For in this end is the beginning with hope & faith for peace within.Only self can choose the communion with life worthy to be lived. Spirit shall point the way if you listen without distraction. Choose this very moment the divine mirror awaits You.


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