AWAKENED ANGEL                                                                                                Site Dedication:  To The Infinite One

Now that you have experienced the Light, the total source of All Good, coming into your being your next and true passage is this.  You, now must come to know through heightened awareness that this very same Light has always dwelled within YOU.

With this awareness, let us travel through yet but another gateway that has always been there for you to access but all the worldliness about you has blinded you to the fact that YOU are that very same Light Being.  Truly Christ has said unto us, I Am The Light of the World and You Shall Do Greater Things Than I.  The way to the Father is through the Son and the gate is narrow but once we find the key to the passageway it is ours into Infinity.

Now Rest.........and comfortably find a most relaxing position for yourself.
Close your eye and remove your senses from the worldliness about you.
Utilize your breathe just as you did in the last experience and go to your safe place.
Upon arrival at that port, become most aware of your breathe of life and bring all your awareness to your Heart Center in the middle of your chest.
When you have arrived with such awareness, know this is the gateway and you already have the key to unlock the narrow gate to the heavens.
Now within your Heart Center, simply visualize a disc, spinning round and round and as you breath, feel the disc quickening until it is rapidly spinning and spinning with a gentle but strong force within the Center.  This Heart Center is where the marriage takes place of the energies that dwell within you of the upper and lower energies of your being.  This Center is the LIGHT Center within your own being, always present, never-ending into Infinity.  Feel this Center, as it spins accelerating the Light within your being.  Simply lie there and relax and allow it to happen.
Feel it spinning upward into the throat and into the head; feel it spinning downward into the pelvis and then the legs and feet.
This is a most natural process, always carrying on,  you simply now have the awareness that it continues on with or without your assistance.  The various areas we speak and work with may be called your "Chakras".   With such awareness, KNOW that you are balancing each of these centers that begin within you and go beyond your physical being into the surrounding energy field around you called your Aura. Within the Auric field, your energies are registered whether they be physical, emotional or mental.

The sole awareness of this experience is to allow you to know and feel that the LIGHT is within you.  You are a temple of Light, your birthright and nothing and no one can alter that.   All external stimuli of worldliness whether it be positive or not, has no power to alter this LIGHT, this PEACE unless you allow it too.  The consistent use of this exercise builds the strength of your energy field, a foundation of concrete not sand, so you can maintain in the storms and challenges of life and be in it but not of it.  The primordial source of the LIGHT that you experienced in the first exercise is and has always been within YOU.  Now how you choose to use this, your very own essence, is a free will choice.  Will you choose PEACE?  Will you choose Turmoil?

For each and every one of YOU the choice is individual and the more you desire to raise the rate of your spinning wheels or Chakras will determine through the Law of Attraction, the creation of your own Reality.  Remember, ultimately all creation comes from within you not outside of you.    As you have extended the LIGHT energy from your Heart Center out to the other areas of your being, NOW bring this very same spinning energy slowly and gently back to it's center in the Heart, your sacred temple and know that your WHITE LIGHT is and always has been there as a resevoir of endless energy for you to call upon and create from All your desires when it is backed up with the strength of your emotions.  In knowing and experiencing this, let it be for your own GOOD and the GOOD of all concerned.  Then and only then will you have the foundation, building blocks of a life filled with your Heart's Desires.   Anything else, is a misuse of this sacred energy bestowed upon you as a co creator of All.  ALL that you seek lies WITHIN,   BE STILL AND KNOW, COME TO KNOW YOUR OWN UNIQUE CREATIVE PURPOSE UPON THIS PLANE OF EXISTENCE AND IN DOING SO, YOUR PEACE SHALL COME TO YOU AS A BIRD WITH OUTSTRETCHED WINGS IN FLIGHT.  Surely if the birds of the air, and the lilies of field have all their needs met,  what then would be given to YOU who are made in the image and likeness of the Great One Source of All.

Remember this, within the wholeness of your temple, be aware of what you ask and desire for it shall be given to you.
ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE, KNOCK AND IT SHALL BE OPENED TO YOU AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT IS DONE UNTO YOU ACCORDING TO YOU BELIEF.  You are a temple of continuing perpetual manifestation.  Put a gatekeeper at the doorway of your thoughts for it is the thought that proceeds the words and the words that proceeds the actions or deeds.  So be vigilant in thought, word and deed for YOU and YOU alone are responsible, by choice, for the final manifestation in YOUR world.  YOU are the nucleus and how your choose to BE is indicative of what YOU create in this world of free will as a shared reality system.

Keep YOUR energy high through practice and discipline and your shall come to see rewards.  For if you choose not, then you shall come to see the consequence for thought, word and deed.  As always, the decision is yours.    Make the decision, are you a temple of LIGHT or just a mere structure that can be blown away without foundation to the winds of Karma?

Your choice..........Win or Lose......Sacred or Unaware............................................................................................

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